Thursday, December 26, 2019
All the light we cannot see Anthony Doerr - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 781 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: All The Light We Cannot See Essay Did you like this example? Marie-Laure Leblanc lives in Paris with her dad. Marie has went blind at the age of 7 because of a disease in her eyes called cataracts. Her father works as a locksmith for all types of precious items for the museum of natural history. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "All the light we cannot see Anthony Doerr" essay for you Create order Shes having a rough time dealing with her blindness so her father goes out and buys her some adventure novels for her birthday. These books are special because they are meant for the blind because they are written in Braille. The novels are called Jules Verne. Every day after work while Marie reads her father gets to work on making a wooden model of the part of town she lives in so she can navigate through the streets alone if needed to. He also made special puzzles for her on her birthday to solve and it has a prize in it. As rumors of Germans spread that they will overtake paris, the museum gives Maries father a 22k diamond named the Sea of Flames, A diamond told to have a curse that is said to give anyone who holds it a never ending life but terrible things will happen around them. This jewel was said to be given to the God of the Sea from the God of Earth as a love offering. He and Marie-Laure leave their home in Paris to give the stone to an affiliate of the museum. But the man has fled to london so now her father cant give him the Sea Of Flames, They both had to escape to her great uncles house in Saint Malo, his Name is Etienne. When they got there they were greeted by Madame Manec, the house keeper of Etiennes house. She spoils them with food and tells Marie that Etienne has some problems with hallucinations of war so he is mostly locked up in his room not eating, moving, or making noise, so she doesnt get to see him right away. Once they get settled in her father builds her another model of a town but this time is of Saint-Malo. He makes the interior of the model house hollow so he can fit the diamond so it would be difficult to find. Maries Great-uncle finally sees her and shows her a hidden radio in his attic behind a secret door. The next day germans s end out papers to collect all the radios in Saint-Malo for an unknown reason, but Maries Great-uncle keeps the one in the attic a secret since no one else knows but them. Maries father is told to come back to the museum, but while on his way back hes arrested and is sent to a prison in Germany where he is questioned. After Maries father is sent to the prison Madame Manec is arranging a group of women to try and resist the germans coming and liberating them, they called themselves the French Resistance. Madame dies of pneumonia. Right before she died Madame Manec attempted to make Maries uncle a part of the group so they could have access to his radio to send information to their allies but he declined because of the danger of being heard and tracked and putting their lives at risk. After grieving Marie and her uncle choose to carry on her efforts in her memory. Marie gets the information from a friend and a group member, Madame Ruelle who hides small slips of paper into dough of bread then bakes it, which contain information for their allies,then is transmitted via their radio system which is hidden in their attic. They find out their allies will be coming on d-day so Maries uncle tries to broadcast the location of the Nazis artillery and broadcast it to their allies The day has come. D-Day arrives and Marie has been commanded to wait down inside the cellar until she hears the bombs stop dropping. While Shes down there she finds two cans of food. Marie is thirsty and needs to use the bathroom, she gets tired of waiting so long so she leaves the cellar and heads upstairs to where to bathroom is located. She drinks from the faucet and when she is up there she hears a German outside of the house. That German is an Office named von Rumpel. As soon as she hears him she runs and hides in the attic. Von Rumpel wants the Sea of Flames (because he i s an avid collector of precious gems and stones). He then enters the house looking for the diamond searching everywhere. He searched frantically tossing everything around the house searching for secret compartments, but he came up short and returned everyday to keep on looking.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
King Lears Journey of Finding Self-Knowledge - 851 Words
Lear s journey of finding self-knowledge In the play, we see King Lear going through a journey of self-knowledge. The play starts with King Lear who seems to be obsessed with honour. He divides his country, giving the one who honours him the most the biggest part. But the treachery of his daughters, Goneril and Regan, and the loss of the daughter who truly loved him, Cordelia, will make him see clear again. This will make Lear see himself and the world as they truly are. First I ll show how Lear lacks self-knowledge at the start of the play. Then I ll shortly discuss what political effects the lack of self-knowledge has on the country. Third I ll show what causes Lear to regain his self-knowledge. In the beginning of the play,†¦show more content†¦So the country is now divided and ruled by the evil daughters, Goneril and Regan. And Lear, even after he divided his country, wants to remain powerful and keeps a hundred knights. Goneril and Regan are unhappy with the way Lear is acting so they turn against him. This leaves the country divided and vulnerable, because Lear still owns a hundred knights. I guess that is why the French invaded, also the fact that Cordelia was banished and married France may have had something to do with it. So the decision of Lear to give Goneril and Regan his country and banish Cordelia seems to have caused a war. The great turning point for Lear is when he left Gloucester s castle and ends up in a fierce storm. Through Lear s anger over his last conversation with Goneril and Regan, and the power of the storm starts the process of the change within Lear. Lear starts to see the treachery of Goneril and Regan. Also from this moment, Lear no longer sees himself as a mighty king but as a poor, infirm weak and despised old man. All though Lear still doesn t blame himself for all this: I am a man more sinned against than sinning. After this Lear goes through another change, it seems Lear starts caring for those around him and not just of himself. He thinks about the poor and how hard their live is, he says: Poor naked wretches wheresoe er you are, that bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, howShow MoreRelatedA Comparison Between King Lear and Oedipus1649 Words  | 4 PagesKing Lear Comparison A tragedy is not only an imitation of life in general but an imitation of an action, as Aristotle defined his ideas in the Poetics, which presents Oedipus as an ultimate tragic hero. There is a obvious link between the two characters in that blindness – both literal and metaphorical – is a strong theme in the stories. Issues of self-recognition and self-knowledge are significant for Oedipus as well as King Lear. For Aristotle, Reversal, Recognition and Suffering are keyRead MoreChildrens Literature13219 Words  | 53 Pagesprecious (Bingham and Scholt 1980). Amusing books written specifically for children would have been economically and psychologically impossible (Townsend 1996). Children would probably have listened to adult works such as Beowulf, Song of Roland, El Cid, King Arthur, and Robin Hood. Children and adults also enjoyed folk tales and literature rich with fantasy and imagination, as myth was the way they made sense of their world. While there were no manuscripts devoted specifically to â€Å"children’s literature
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Project Management for Construction
Question: Discuss about the Project Management for Construction. Answer: Introduction: In this report, the consolidated property services organization will discuss that is a cleaning company. The consolidated property Services Company established in 1977 is a family business run by John Grant and Merry Grant. Both of them have experience in providing the quality cleaning services to the diverse types of industries either private or public in Sydney, Victoria, and Adelaide. Their services include educational facilities, retail cleaning and industrial cleaning. The consolidated property services have experience of 40 years and are far ahead to expand their business in the cleaning services (Hung et al., 2009) This report will examine the current issue of the company that is related to their employee engagement and the problem HR department face when the company takes a new contract for the business services. The reason for the HR department problem, when a new business contract takes is that there is not a specific training procedure for the employees of the company. To improve the training procedure for the employee development, first, the current situation of the company will be analysed and then, the improvement in the process can be done. The improvement can be done by using the concept and tools of designing and analysing the process. Concept and tools of the designing and analysing the process The objective of the designing and analysing the process is to have the knowledge about the function of the process and its interaction. The aim of the analysing phase of the designing process is to improve the process in a way to achieve the performance objectives of the process. The purpose of the process analysis is to understand the culture of the organization and its mission and relation of business with these processes that is analysed Identification and analysis of the current business processes and activities that are operating in the organization and how far these are able to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization (, 2016) Same as the designing process of the Apple Company is analysed and sort out how much it helps in achieving the goals and objectives of the company. The result of the analysis phase is fed into the designing of the process whose objective is to Investigation of the options for achievement of the improvement by the redesigning of the process Identification and prioritization of the areas of the improvement Implementation of the designing process in accordance with the scheduled process In the Consolidated property services Company, the training process for the employee development is unable to fulfil the objectives of the performance that are cost, speed, dependability, flexibility, and quality. So, the company has to sort out the options for the improvement that focus on these performance objectives One decision should make in the prioritization of the analysis that what kind of the analysis is required strategic that is top down or the tactical that is bottom up. The strategic perspective is at the higher level that seeks to have knowledge of the processes that make the business and helps in delivering its value. The tactical perspective is at the lower level that seeks to have the knowledge of the activities that supports the designing of the process. In some of the projects, the workshop team spends most of their time in analysing the area of the improvement and in some projects; the workshop team spends time in designing the improved processes (Karpuschewski et. al., 2014). According to the nature and perspective of the process design project, they are divided into two types Design-led process design projects: For these types of the projects, the Clean slate approach is used. In this approach, the workshop teams design the new processes by considering the current situation of the organization. However, an analysis phase is the part of the designing process that is essential for having the knowledge of the drawbacks of the current process and what types of the improvements are required on the priority basis for the achievement of the goal of the organization (, 2016). Therefore, the design-led projects are based on the redesigning of the current process, but they also have the analysis as the essential part of their project. Analysis-led process design project: In many of the projects that are IT driven, the aim and objective of the analysis phase are to have the knowledge of the processes that can be automated. This analysis phase ensures the best fit between the selected technologies and processes and gives an indication that how the technology will be configured (Pinnington et al., 2008). In this type of the situation, there is no time or little time be allocated for the improvement of the existing processes. However, some of the designing work is always required for the assurance of the best use of the technology. In any type of the project or any type of the perspective, it is necessary to spend the time to understand the current processes of the organization. This will help to clarify the language used by the business to describe their processes and provide the basis for the improvement in the designing the business process. The Consolidated property services Company has to spend the time to analyse the current process and what are its drawback and then sort out the areas that should be improved on a priority basis to achieve the goals and objective of the company. The Consolidated Property Services Company has to redesign its training process for the employee development so that it can achieve all the five objectives of the performance (Consolidated Property Services, 2016). They can use any one of the projects that are a design-led and analysis-led project to improve the designing process. In the consolidated property service company, there is very little or no employee development. The reason behind this is the least effective training program of the company that not facilitates the engagement of the employee in the organization. The consolidated property services company has to improve its training program that provides the career development opportunity to the organization. The effective training program in addition to the career development helps in motivation and retention of the employees. Hence the training program of the company can be improved by doing the analysis of the current situation of the company and its training programs. The company has to analyse the drawbacks and limitations of the current training programs and improvement that should be done on the priority basis to improve the training system of the company (, 2016). For all this, the company should analyse the current training services provided to the employees by the HR departm ent and how these training services help in the achievement of the five performance objectives that are cost, speed, quality, flexibility, and dependability. Employee development in the consolidated property services For the employee development, training is necessary at all levels. It provides the main sources of the welfare and maintains a balance between the knowledge of the company and the skill of the individual. Training assists the employee for their current jobs. The HRM training service in the Consolidated Property Services In their current HRM policies and practices, the Consolidated Property Services provide appropriate training, learning material, knowledge, skills and toolbox meeting to all the staff from the causal cleaning staff to the operations manager for performing their better current job. The training practice involves showing a machinist that how the machine operates, a salesperson coaching that how the sale of the product can be done, the training of the supervisor that how to interview and appraise the employees. However, the company required a high-quality training program for the employee development as the company is expanding in the market as the professional cleaning and by considering the demands of customers and clients and also for the retention of the valuable and talented staff members to avoid the external recruitment (Runhaar, 2016). This is known as direct promotion and selection by the management. The advantage of this system is that it provide opportunity and motivation of the own employee's addition to its fast decision that allows the management to review its reward system. Current situation of the employee development The Human Resource Management team of the consolidated property services has strong for the development of their employees. Nevertheless, they do not follow the right path for the achievement of this goal. One year ago, they started the new project that is known as talent mapping, but it has been small in terms of progress. The project follows the current senior management has to put together a nomination form that has the name of the employees that have skill, knowledge and qualification and experience for the new contract and these employees can access the leadership skills and competencies as such Ensures accountability: they hold self and other accountable for the commitments Stakeholders relationship: they build and work collaboratively with the other employees to achieve the common objectives Communicate effectively: they can develop and deliver multi-code communication that provides the clear understanding needs for the different audience. Customer-focus: can build strong customer relationship and provide customer-centring solution Financial acumen: for the better business decision, interpretation and application of understanding of key financial indicators Leadership: they can provide direction, delegation and able to remove obstacles for the completion of the task Drives result: should be consistently achieved result also under the tough circumstances Self-awareness demonstration: should use feedback and reflection in combination to gain the productive insight into strength and weakness of the person Decision quality: can make good and on time decision that helps the organization to move forward Plans and alignment: should plan and prioritize the work to meet commitment by aligning with the objectives of the organization. After one year of the establishment of the above criteria, nothing is done or said within the HR department of the Consolidated Property Services. The development program seems to be on hold for the reason that may not be known, this leads to the need for the external recruitment for the new contracts, although the list of the suitable candidates is present in the organization (Baker et al., 2000) Regardless, of the all internal research and information are given by the senior management to the HR team, the HR team after collection, recollection of the information and few meeting to discuss the development program, no one from the HR department meet to the selected employees for the establishment of a mentoring relationship. In the last, the selected candidates change their carrier and leave the company. In the above development program, there are many drawbacks and limitations. But, the main drawback is the improper functioning of the HR department and improper implementation of the training program. Improved practice to develop a career training program in the Corporate Property services For the improvement of the training program the consolidated property services company that is required for the positive employee development, the company has to follow a systematic process. Training process initiatives that stand alone mostly fails to fulfill the goals and objectives of the organization and the expectation of the participants. Therefore, the consolidated property services company should follow the five steps to develop an effective training program. Assessment of the needs of the training: the first step of the effective training program is the identification and assessment of the training needs. These training needs may be assessed in the strategic plan of the organization, in the developmental plan of the human resource or the individual. Set the objectives of the training program: the assessment of the training program will define the gaps of the current training and the sets of the employees. These gaps will analyze and prioritize in the training process and assume as the training objectives. The main goal of the training process is to fill the gap between the current training process and performance desired from the training process. At the level of the employee, the training process should match the improvement areas that are evaluated from 3600 evaluation. Development of the training action plan: the third step is the development of action plan that includes instructional design, learning theories, contents and other training elements of the training process. The methods and resources of the training delivery should be detailed in the training process. In the development of the training program, the learning style of the participants, training level, need to take into consideration. Most of the companies pilot the initiatives and collect feedback for the adjustment before the launch of the training program. Implementation of the training program: the implementation step is the step in which the new training process starts working. At this step, the organization has to decide whether the training program is delivered in house or coordinated externally. The implementation of the training process is the making schedule for the training program and organization for the related resources. Then the new training program is applied, conducted and promoted. To know the effectiveness of the training program, the progress of the participants is monitored. Evaluation and revision of the training: the training program should be monitored continuously. It should evaluate that the training is successful in filling the gaps of the previous training program and performance desired from the training process. Feedback should collect from all the stakeholders to determine the effectiveness of the new training program. Conclusion The consolidated property services company is a cleaning company that started in 1977. It is a family business run by John Grant and Merry Grant (, 2016). The company faces the problem of the employee engagement and development and HR department has to recruit new external staff when the company takes a new contract. This whole problem caused due to the improper training program of the company. The development program of the company that supports the development of the employees and employees change their career path and leave the organization. The company has created the development program for the employee in which the senior management makes a list of the employees that take the responsibility of the leadership when a new assignment will take by the organization. This list will create through the internal analysis and by collecting the information about the skills, knowledge, experience and qualification of the employee. The senior management made the list and sen d it to the HR department, but the HR department did not make any mentor relation with the employees. In the last, the employees change their career path and leave the organization. Hence, the development program did not support the development and engagement of the employees. So, there is a need for the company to improve its training program for the employee development (Soto and Litan, 2001). The company has to develop the training program by analysing the internal environment, goal, and objectives of the company and key skills and attitude that are required by the employee for the success of the goal of the company. Then, the company has to make a development-training program by following the five steps of the effective training program that are assessment of the training needs and objectives of the company, set the objectives of the training process, development of the action plan, implementation of the training process and evaluation and revision of the training process. This effective five steps training program will improve the employee development, engagement and retention. References Baker, D., Walsh, M. and Marjerison, L. (2000). High-Performance Leadership at the Process Level.Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2(2), pp.47-72. (2016).Training and development | [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. (2016).training and development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Consolidated Property Services. (2016).Consolidated Property Services | Cleaning Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Hung, R., Lien, B. and McLean, G. (2009). Knowledge Management Initiatives, Organizational Process Alignment, Social Capital, and Dynamic Capabilities.Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11(3), pp.320-333. Karpuschewski, B., Goldau, H. and Stolze, R. (2014). Process force and technology model for designing and controlling finishing operations with rotating grinding tools.CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63(1), pp.337-340. Pinnington, A., Kamoche, K. and Suseno, Y. (2008). Property in knowledge work: an appropriationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ learning perspective.Employee Relations, 31(1), pp.57-80. (2016).Project Management for Construction: Organizing for Project Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Runhaar, P. (2016). How can schools and teachers benefit from human resources management? Conceptualising HRM from content and process perspectives.Educational Management Administration Leadership. Soto, H. and Litan, R. (2001). Effective Property Rights and Economic Development: Next Steps.Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services, 2001(1), pp.251-271. van Rooij, S. and Merkebu, J. (2015). Measuring the Business Impact of Employee Learning: A View From the Professional Services Sector.Human Resource Development Quarterly, 26(3), pp.275-297. (2016).Consolidated Property Services Consolidated Property Services - OpenGrADS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]., C. (2016).Step 5: Improving practice | Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council Ltd. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016].
Monday, December 2, 2019
StarBucks SWOT, Macro and mission analysis free essay sample
Starbucks is one of the most recognized brands in the world. It is respected for many reasons, and one of them is providing customers with the best coffee experience. It is also a company that values its employees and acknowledges that it could not have achieved the competitive advantage that it currently enjoys without them. †¢Starbucks company macro forces: First, Starbucks Company faced socio-cultural forces when Chicago people didn’t like dark-roasted coffee as fast as Schultz had. In addition, Star bucks menu is adapted to local cultures for example, the menu in North America include selection of muffins, but stores in France have French pastries and no muffins. Secondly, economically Starbucks had a decline in its profit because of the economic down term in 2008 – 2009. Also, Starbucks adapted some of the political legal in some countries. For instance, in Saudi Arabia there is a legislation says that stores have to close in the prayer times, and Starbucks could adapt this legislation and get along with it. We will write a custom essay sample on StarBucks SWOT, Macro and mission analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Technologically, Starbucks introduced star bucks VIA Ready Brew- Packets of roasted coffee in an instant form, in the fall of 2009. Starbucks supply themselves; Howard Schultz –CEO of Starbucks- has said: â€Å"people sometimes fail to realize that almost unlike any restaurant, we are completely vertically integrated. We source coffee from 30 countries we have a proprietary roasting process. We distribute to company owned stores, and finally serve the coffee. Others are resellers of commodity-based coffee†. The Starbucks buyers are regular costumers, hotels, hospitals, and airlines. Starbucks has 10% market share in the United State and 1% in the world. Starbucks’ competitors are Coffee Bean, Dunkin Donuts, and other small shops. There are some substitute products such as soft drinks, power drinks, and fresh juice. Costumers’ loyalty to their coffee brand is the biggest threats of new firms entering the industry. †¢SWOT analysis: First of all, Starbucks company has a lot of strengths such as: the company centralized buying, developed standard contract and fix fees for certain items, and consolidated work under those contractors who displayed good cost control practices to better control average store opening cost. Also, Starbucks Company has made relationships with big companies like Pepsi and craft food. Second of all, one of the biggest weaknesses that Starbucks Company has is they don’t focus in the market share globally as much as in the United State. In addition, Starbucks Company has many opportunities. For example, opening new stores in Asia clearly represent the most significant growth opportunity and since they are a vertically integrated then the products cost is very low, so they have an opportunity of decreasing the price and we can count it as a competitive advantage as well. Finally, Starbucks Company is exposed to rises in the cost of dairy products. †¢Starbucks Mission and vision: Starbucks mission statement is ‘Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow’, and it vision statement is ‘Star bucks vision to become a national company with values and guiding principles that employees could be proud of’.
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