Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The History and Qualities of Knights essays
The History and Qualities of Knights essays A knight is first and foremost a mounted warrior and that was his primary role in society. Just about anyone who fought on horseback could be considered a knight, even a lowly commoner. This was how it was in the very beginning, but later knights became specialized warriors. They wore armor and wielded a lance along with a sword or mace. Knights possessed many attributes including, Knights had to be able to fight well. Which means they had to have the ability to perform physical tasks and have a vast knowledge of weapons and armor. They had to possess great physical strength. There were no weight training programs only repeated use of arms. Above all they most have tremendous personal bravery. A knight would not fear death. A knight's honor was a measure of his standing amongst his peers. A knight's honor was as real the castle he protected. A knight would not think twice to defend his honor to his last drop of blood. Knightly society was a gift-giving society. A lord was expected to give gifts to his followers. These were not only gifts in the sense we know, but gifts in the form of privileges, shared wartime plunder, and honors shown. Gifts were exchanged to seal alliances, show friendship, and sent to accompany embassies and messengers. Most knights had no need for living within his means. This would indicate a preoccupation with accounting, which was tho ught to be below them. Glory and plunder were the prizes of battle, which every knight sought. Glory is the same as a notation of fame and meant prestige for him and his family. Glory was a public testimony of one's prowess and could be won in tournaments as well as in battle. Knights gained their fame through story and song and written word was becoming the source of lasting glory. Fidelity was paramount and oath-breaking the worst form of behavior. A true knight stayed true to his lord, his church, and his word. Loyalty to one's lord came before everything and everything i...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Chemical Change Examples in Chemistry
Chemical Change Examples in Chemistry Chemical changes involve chemical reactions and the creation of new products. Typically, a chemical change is irreversible. In contrast, physical changes do not form new products and are reversible. Some Common Chemical Changes The rusting of ironCombustion (burning) of woodThe metabolism of food in the bodyMixing an acid and a base, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH)Cooking an eggDigesting sugar with the amylase in salivaMixing baking soda and vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gasBaking a cakeElectroplating a metalUsing a chemical batteryThe explosion of fireworksRotting bananasGrilling a hamburgerMilk going sour Less-familiar chemical reactions are also examples of chemical changes. While its not always easy to tell a chemical change has occurred (as opposed to a physical change), there are some telltale signs. Chemical changes may cause a substance to change color, change temperature, produce bubbles, or (in liquids) produce a precipitate. Chemical changes can also be considered to be any phenomenon that allows a scientist to measure chemical properties.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis Research Paper
Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis - Research Paper Example These economies experience some degree of vulnerability in the international market. The third segment of countries in the gulf region consists of the countries that have high demographic pressure, low functioning social safety nets and low levels of economic growth (Sharif, 2006). Social and economic crises within these countries have hindered their economic growth and they have been exposed to the rages of financial crisis. There are fewer countries in the third group than in the first and groups, but these countries are worse affected during the financial crisis. The countries in the third group include Sudan, Mauritania, Yemen, Djibouti, Comoros and Somalia. These countries received very little international support during and even after the crisis ended. Hence, the governments of these countries have been serious measures to improve the banking and financial systems in their own countries. Islamic banking in the contemporary finance world The banking industry in the gulf region has passed through a period of major improvements over the period of last five years. Over the years, Islamic banking industry has matured and has become a viable competitor of the conventional commercial banks operating in the Middle East as well as in the South East Asian countries (Koldertsova, 2010). At the global level, the banking system of the gulf region has increased in importance. The Middle East acts as the core launch pad for the promotion of the system of Islamic banking in the Western financial markets and business culture. The following section has been devoted to the study of the changes that have taken place in the banking industry in the gulf region after the global financial crisis. Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis Technological... Conclusion The effects of the financial crisis have to be considered by the policy makers while making plans for the future and improving the management systems internal to the organizations. It is important that banking and financial sector of the gulf economies have to be transformed and integrated in to the main stream financial system of the globe. It is, therefore important that the challenges in these economies are identified and the future prospects are determined with reference to the resources available to the economies for dealing with the challenges. In this regard, past experiences regarding failure of the banking industry have to be truly accounted for. The system of Islamic banking has spread from the gulf region and entered the practice of banking of the other developed countries in the world, such as Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada (Venardos, 2006). After the financial crisis, this system has become more concerned about the ethical values o f financial transactions and has simultaneously increased its flexibility; so as to compete with the conventional interest based financial system. As a whole, the banking and finance industry in the gulf region has undergone certain developments and has become an exemplary finance practice in the global market (Khan and Bhatti, 2008).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A relationship between being a victim of cyber-bullying and adolescent Essay
A relationship between being a victim of cyber-bullying and adolescent emotional well-being - Essay Example Cyberbullying is an exceptional bullying that has increased a significant amount of attention in the recent past. There is much literature concerning online harassment and cyberbullying; most of these studies have concentrated on the prevalence cyberbullying behaviors among school students. Few of them have established a relationship between self-esteem and cyberbullying. Which seems to be a key contributor of criminal behavior and academic performance and other behaviors associated with the adolescent development (Hinduja & Patchini, 2010a). Hinduja & Patchini defines self-esteem as â€Å"a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the self.†( Hinduja & Patchini, pg. 1. It can also be said to â€Å"an internal representation of social acceptance and rejection, and a psychological gauge monitoring the degree to which a person is included vs. excluded by others.†(Hinduja & Patchini 2010, pg.1). From these two views self-esteem is a perception about ones belief, and it is affected by an individual participation in the social world. In practice, cyberbullying behaviors are often the same as relational, psychological and indirect forms of traditional bullying. For example, harassment, rumor spreading, exclusion and threatening. However, there are a number of characteristics that distinguish the two forms. First, cyberbullies always remain anonymous, but research has shown that most victims always know who is bullying them within the social cycle. Second, the absence of regulatory institutions that manage cyberspace interactions makes it hard for the bullies to be found. According to Tokunaga (2010), more than 97% of the youth are able to reach one another through internet. Computer and other electronic technology have been at the center of evolution of human behavior. As oppose to the benefits that come along with technology, the youth has taken the advantage of it and are now
Sunday, November 17, 2019
English-Cultural Studies- Generation X Essay Example for Free
English-Cultural Studies- Generation X Essay Throughout the years, rock and roll stars have greatly emerged in the consciousness of every American youth. In a world that appears to be uncontrollably spinning, the pied pipers of rock have acted as jesters, pillows, and poets for every incoming generation. The forerunners like Sex Pistols, the Who, the Doors, the Stones, the Beatles, and other rock and roll Hall of Famers, many of whom have become millionaire icons, rebelling against the society and pulling out the rich and seemingly boundless vein of alienation and angst among teenagers of the Generation X. During the 1990s, the rise of grunge music characterizes an imperative element of what has been the alternative rock trend in that decade. Nirvanas Kurt Cobain made it to the pinnacle higher than any other rock and roll stars. Like several other rockers, Kurt Cobain became a sensation through the standards of his times. Generation X considered Kurt Cobain as their poet emeritus, he was the Richard Cory of his generation, joining the ranks of Elvis, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, and Brian Jones as the white icon who apparently had everything, but threw it away. Generation X or Gen-X came into its own throughout the later part of 1980s and early 1990s. An inclination for grunge music epitomized by the band Nirvana expressed the disenchantments of a generation ceaselessly destined to exist in the gloominess of its elders. As it is ordinary in generational shifts, Gen-X philosophy has considerable inferences of disbelief against things held dear to the earlier generation. Accordingly, grunge music became the defining character of Generation X, who came of age throughout this period. Generation X Generation X consists of individuals who finished high school between the periods 1989 and 1996 (Bozenda 2). However, laggards have also been identified beyond those years, but were already considered the minority of their graduating class. In its glory days, Generation X, through its music, boasted tremendous recognition. For Generation X-ers, MTV was their sanctuary, and has been pronounced, the only TV channel that did not care just as much as them (Bozenda 2). Grunge saturated in this stretch of time and, without a doubt, it fit the bill. There were different classes of Generation X-ers: the light X-ers were typically just into the music and could not be easily identified; the medium X-ers were way into the music, and do really look the part; the heavy X-ers took the way of life to its limits, and were concerned with nothing but the music; and the major X-ers who are identifiable even these days, as they tend to talk slowly, typically wear clothes that are older than they are or, clothes that they did not buy, and feel more comfortable in a gloomy room (Bozenda 2). I. Origins of Generation X Although the precise dates of birth defining Generation X are highly disputed, on the whole, this age demographic consists of people born in the 1960s and 1970s. As an expression, without existing meaning, the term was made the title of a 1964 pulp novel, and was chosen as the name of young Billy Idol’s punk rock band (â€Å"Generation X†). Moreover, Douglas Coupland took it from a sociological text of Paul Fussell, which he later popularized in his book Generation X: Tales For An Accelerated Culture (â€Å"Generation X†). It was only after the publication of Couplands book that the media started to prevalently exploit the term as a name for the generation, by introducing Generation X as a group of undereducated, alienated, flannel-wearing lazybones with body piercing who had worked at McJobs and drank Starbucks coffee. Generation X has a great deal to be confused about: Prozac-happy therapy, the lingering presence of AIDS where love can turn into death; drive-by shootings, declining prospects, few good jobs, unparalleled levels of teen suicide and violence; and absentee parents striving to succeed in the two-income economy, Beavis and Butthead mean-spiritedness sufficing as social interpretation, and an increasing prejudice in particular sectors toward the homeless and poor (Hill). Generation X has undergone most of the 14 years of Reagan-Bush-Clinton economics, particularly the governmental policies of free trade (Hill). As a result, Kurt Cobain slammed, thumped and wailed his guitar against the converging walls of the putrefying society around him, and the existing generation followed into his direction feeling that they as well are experiencing the societal strap to be getting tighter. Unfortunately, in due course Cobain could not break out; therefore, taking the easy way out or perhaps the difficult one, by taking his own life. Generation X-ers Music As categorized through music: light X includes Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and other foremost radio bands; mid-X includes all of the above, and bands like Kyuss, Monster Magnet, as well as other bands that started small but eventually got big; heavy X also includes all of the above, Soul Coughing, Fu Manchu, as well as other bands that remained small but got major underground progress; and major X, which also includes all of the above, along with Desert Sessions, The Atomic Bitchwax, and bands that remained indie or stayed underground (Bozenda 2). Generation X music commenced in 1989, peaked in 1994, fell inconsistent in 1997, and eventually disappeared in 2000 (Bozenda 2). The year of 1996 proved to be the final year wherein grunge musicians were very much dynamic, seeing that many lasts had taken place during this year. The Screaming Trees and Soundgarden released their respective last studio albums entitled Dust and Down on the Upside; Alice in Chains gave their concluding shows with their estranged, ailing front-man Layne Staley; Pearl Jam released their last chart topping album entitled No Code; and Nirvana released their only album following the greatest hits album Nirvana in 2002, which is the live album entitled From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah. Over the few ensuing years, grunges usual attractiveness promptly died away. Several grunge bands have continued touring and recording but with more limited success, most notably, Pearl Jam. I. The Grunge Music The term grunge was coined in the late 1980s by a British journalist to depict the style of music a group of bands played during the period in the Seattle area (Schmitz). During the period, the most recognized grunge band was a group called Green River, whose fame was confined within the Seattle area. Accordingly, once in a while, grunge music is referred to as the Seattle Sound in view of the fact that it was created as a subgenre of alternative rock played by bands from the state of Washington, mostly in the Seattle area, during the mid-1980s. Grunge is generally categorized through its sludgy guitar sound that makes use of a high level of feedback, fuzz and distortion effects. Grunge combines elements of heavy metal and hardcore punk, and is also normally characterized by heavy drumming, dirty guitar, and angst or apathetic-filled lyrics, although various bands performed with more credence on one or the other. Grunge music shares a similar lyrical concern and raw sound with punk genre. However, grunge involves more complex instrumentation, dissonant harmonies, and slower tempos, which is indicative of heavy metal. Some individuals linked with the growth of grunge, including the Melvins and Sub Pop producer Jack Endino, described grunges fusion of heavy rock authorities such as Kiss as musical provocation (Grunge 1). Grunge artists regarded heavy rock bands as cheesy but even so took pleasure in listening them. Buzz Osborne of the Melvins illustrated it as an endeavor to see what extreme things bands could carry out and yet pull off. In the early 1990s, Nirvanas signature stop-start song arrangement became a genre standard of the time. II. Grunge Music Scene Notwithstanding the fact of being looked down upon by most critics, glam metal bands, such as Warrant, Poison, and Motley Crue had been taking over the charts, particularly in the United States, during the 1980s. Glam metal bands was famous for their macho, gaudy clothing style, obsequious riffs, misogynist lyrics, and an apparent lack of social responsiveness, all done for the mere purpose of entertaining and staying ahead of the race of drawing mainstream audiences. These characteristics were well-liked throughout the 1980s, but they began to have the differing effect on audiences towards the last part of the decade. Most music critics and grunge fans believe that grunge progressed as a well-liked genre and as a result accepted by mainstream audiences as a response to the dwindling attractiveness of glam metal. Accordingly, the popularity of grunge music abruptly contrasted to glam metal. When the public realized the viable alternative to heavy metal music, the attractiveness of glam metal began to disappear as the recognition of grunge began to soar. Inspired by indie rock, heavy metal and hardcore punk, the early grunge movement came together around Sub Pop, which is a Seattle independent record label. Grunge bands were renowned for their indie approaches and their negative response to mainstream and theatricals success. Grunge became commercially flourishing in the first half of the 1990s, largely as a result of the release of Pearl Jams Ten album and Nirvanas Nevermind album. The accomplishment of these bands heightened the recognition of alternative rock and made grunge the most popular genre of hard rock music of the decade. However, a number of grunge bands were not comfortable with this popularity, as the genre became intimately linked with Generation X in the United States, given that the understanding of each rose at the same time. Although by the late 1990s the majority of grunge bands had faded or disbanded from public view, their previous impact persists to influence the most modern rock music today.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Definitions of Knowledge Essay -- Philosophy Papers
As Walker Percy explores the "dogfish" of perception and knowledge in his essay, "The Loss of the Creature," I wonder if he realizes how slippery and feisty the topic squirming on his desk is. Although anyone who has taken a guided tour will surely agree that the traditional tourist experience is necessarily divorced from that of a discoverer, the broad epistemological claims that Percy extracts from this scenario seem more complicated than Percy gives them credit, or space, for. When Percy suggests that an individual should aim to "extract the thing from the package," he insists that the individual seek out some solid bedrock beneath the surface of perception (519). In this statement, he implicitly calls the reader to believe that such bedrock exists and is accessible to humans, a controversial position in the postmodern world. By arguing that excavation towards a static and fixed "creature" is possible, Percy echoes the voice of Plato, who argues that humans should strive to know the essential "forms" lying beneath ephemeral existence. Plato and his mentor, Socrates, devised their theory of forms in large part to reconcile a constantly changing physical universe with the criterion of permanence inherent in the Greek definition of knowledge, an important problem for philosophers of the time, and still today. In other words, the Greeks, believing that only permanent and unchanging entities could truly be "known," needed a way to attain knowledge in light of a constantly changing natural world. With the forms, Plato provided a solution to this problem, saying that "beneath" the physical world a human perceives there exists a dimension of forms, or essences, which persist throughout time, independent of human perception but ... ...ans or dogfish. Like the physicist, they can benefit from recognizing elements of uncertainty inherent in the "creature." In a way, the postmodern knower is much like the man in Percy's essay, who takes the Grand Canyon bus tour as "an exercise in familiarity" (513). He intakes the same interpreted information as those who are on the level below him, yet he recognizes its limitations and understands what he sees all the more because of this awareness. Works Cited Heisenberg, Werner. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. New York: Harper & Row, 1958. Bartholomae, David and Anthony Petrosky, eds. Ways of Reading. 3rd Ed. New York: Bedford, 1995. Percy, Walker. "The Loss of the Creature." Bartholomae and Petrosky. 423-436. Tompkins, Jane. "'Indians:' Textualism, Morality and the Problem of History." Bartholomae and Petrosky. 584-601.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Little Women: a Look Into Gender Roles in 1941 Essay
A look into gender roles in 1941 The photograph â€Å"Little Girls with Their Dolls and Buggies†(1941), taken by Russell Lee, is of two young girls pushing baby dolls in carriages along a sidewalk in Caldwell, Idaho. It’s a bright, sunny day and the girls are walking alone, with no other people visible in the photograph. Both girls are smiling, and the girl pictured to the right is looking intently at the girl to the left. Behind the girls to the left we see a respectably sized house, and well maintained lawn. Behind them, the sidewalk endlessly continues to trees in the background. To the right of the picture there is a road which contains no cars. It appears to be in a middle to upper class, suburban neighborhood. They appear to be approximately the same age and are similarly dressed. It is an intriguing image that demonstrates traditionally accepted feminine gender roles during the mid 20th century. Gender roles can typically be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. In 1941, women were typically expected to stay home and raise a family. They were also supposed to be social and they were Judged quite often on their appearance. These expectations of women were pushed upon them at a young age, as shown through the photograph. The girls appear to be about seven years old and they are already pushing around baby dolls and exploring their maternal roles. How identical the girls look is also a very revealing. The girls don’t look to be related, but yet they appear as mirror images of one another. They both have short, groomed hair, pulled away from their face. They are both wearing dresses, and are pushing ractically identical carriages. They are shaped to look â€Å"how a woman should†and follow the same expected role of women during that time period. I think it’s also important to note the variety of social influences of gender roles. Influence and reinforcement of gender roles often comes from the toys children play with. Dolls are traditionally a toy for girls. Dolls tend to represent feminine traits and help to prepare young girls for the task of motherhood. Children tend to get most of their toys from a parent or family member, who often has the strongest influences on a erson’s gender role. The young girls clothing also comes from their parents. This is yet another example of how their parents reinforce their perceived gender roles. Peers also play a role in shaping one’s anticipated gender role. During this time especially, peers responded more and got along better with children who fit traditional gender roles. This again leads back to how similarly the girls are dressed in the photograph and the similar toys theyre playing with. The girls are being conditioned to follow society and their peers assumed ideas of the roles they are expected to play. The girls are also walking alone; their parents are not in visible in the photograph. It’s like their parents are trying to let them be â€Å"little adults†. They’re preparing their children for their expected future of raising a family. Imposed gender roles are often hard to escape. Especially during the 1940’s, women had very specific assumed roles. While looking at Russell’s photo, you may see two young girls, message about traditional gender roles. It’s a shame that these girls, at such a young age, were being shaped to a very limited role that society has deemed to be their future.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Path of Accounting
The career field I chose is finance. In a career of finance there are a number of different tasks I would potentially have to do. Accountants and other jobs in the field of finance have to keep track of money and records of companies. In finance you mainly provide financial services to businesses. It may require one to give advice to executives of businesses on better ways to operate their business. To have a Career in finance it is a must to be good at math and great at dealing with/analyzing numbers and data. If you are not good at math or with numbers then being is good in this career will be nearly impossible because you won’t be able to analyze the data you are presented with, which will probably make everything seem foreign because you lack understanding.Most importantly, a career in finance requires honesty. Having access to other people’s and other businesses’ money is a serious task to be placed with. That responsibility is not one to be lightly or one t hat allows the chance for mistakes. My career goal is to be a financial accountant. I have wanted to be an accountant as long as I can remember. I’ve always wanted to be an accountant because I am good at math. To be an accountant my career field would have to be finance and I could choose business and management, but I would definitely have to do finance. Finance and accounting is offered at every university, so I wouldn’t really have finding a school. The job requirement of an accountant is all dealing with finance.As an accountant, it is your job to provide financial information to the management you work for. To do this, an accountant researches and analyzes data and has to prepare reports for the company. Keeping track of the financial records on the company is also a part of being an accountant. Another point of emphasize is the importance of interning at a bank or business to gain experience in the field of accounting.I would most likely be an accountant in the states of New York, Ohio, or Wisconsin. I would like to work not too close to Chicago, but not too far away either. According to US the monthly salaries in the states of Wisconsin and Ohio are $4, 052 and $3,812 respectively. In New York the monthly salary is $7,476. The highest salary for an accountant is in New York at $89,720 followed by New Jersey and San Francisco at $87,120 and $86,230 respectively.Other forms of accountants I am interested in is being a forensic accountant and management accountant. As a forensics accountant it is ones job to analyze and access data to help solve crimes. It also requires you to detect any signs or forms of fraud that could lead to anything. Watching show many crime shows have shed lights on forensic accounting for me, which is why I have become so interested in it. Being a management accountant is much like a financial accountant. I would just work with the managers of businesses or corporations more often and provide them with in formation to help them make the right decision to benefit their company.I would just come up with all the strategies to help improve the company than work with the manager to get the right decision made, so my work space would be different. Instead of being at a desk on a computer I would have to make representation of data in charts on boards, computer, poster, and etc. This would also result in me spending time in the meeting rooms with executives and managers than other accountants would. The semester credits I am requires to earn depends on what the college itself requires, although most colleges will require me to have 150 semester credits from a university according to Accounting Coach â€Å"CPA requirements†.After I gain enough credit myself and anyone else striving to become an accountant is required to take the CPA exam and cannot begin working as an accountant until they pass it. The CPA exam is followed by an Ethic Exam and they both really test on if one’s readiness for a career in accounting. After passing these two test which are both advised to take as soon as one can while all the info is still fresh, you can start your career in accounting. An accountant usually work twelve hour shifts in their place of business at an computer analyzing data, consulting with managers, or studying data that is given to them, which can be boring if you don’t enjoy math.One of the colleges I am interested in attending to become an accountant is The Ohio State University located in Columbus, Ohio. According to Forbes Top the GPA requirement for is a 3.6 and the ACT requirement is about a 26 with that being the average. Another of their requirements is for incoming students have to at least have taken two years of a foreign language class, preferably the same language, so that they be fluent in one language instead of mediocre in many.The cost of tuition and fees at The Ohio State University is $26,726 and when you include books, room and things it all adds up to $44,215. Being such a big school Ohio State accepts 64% of its applicants and 93% of freshman return for their second year. The four year graduation rate is 51% and the six year graduation rate is 80%. Graduation rate for African American students is 73%. My second school is Stanford University which is located in Stanford, California.In Stanford University pamphlet the average GPA and ACT scores for people accepted into Stanford is a 3.6 and a 31. Tuition is $43,245 and student population is large at 17, 833 with 52% being males and 10% being African Americans. The big fact is Stanford on accepts about 8% of its applicants and of those they accept 98% return after their first year. The four year graduation rate is 80% and the six year graduation rate is 93% which I didn’t know was higher than Ohio State’s because of how tough a school it is. The graduation rate for males is 94% and 92% for African Americans.The last school I selected is the University of Wisconsin-Madison which is located, exactly where the name of the school says, Madison, Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin and Ohio State is like I said about the job, I would like to attend school not too far from Chicago, but not too close either. Forbes Top shows that the total population is 41,946 with 46% of that being males and 3% being African Americans. The cost for tuition is $40,012. The average GPA is a 3.4 and for my desired major it is 3.5 while the average ACT is a 26. 94 of its students come back for their second year, while the transfer rate is 12%. The four year graduation rate is 52% and the six year graduation rate is 80%. The graduation rate for males at the University of Wisconsin is 82% and the graduation rate for African American students is 78%.My end goal is to become a financial accountant after college. I know attending The Ohio State University will definitely help me achieve this goal because they have one of the bet ter accounting programs in the country. I’ve gotten to visit the school and sit in on an accounting class, so I have first-hand experience of what it’s like. Out of the information and things I learned about all three schools I picked, The Ohio State University is the most appealing to me. Having over 90% graduation rates for males and African Americans is the numbers that really jump out at me, but that doesn’t mean if I go to The Ohio State University that the journey will be easy.It may be the best fit or my top choice, but there are still obstacles like the size of Ohio State. A school with over 55,000 students will be a big adjustments from anywhere, but I have just have to keep looking ahead to my end goal. The next step I need to take in order to reach my goal is continue to develop my skills not only in math, but also work to improve my ACT score so I can get what I need to be accepted into Ohio State. I already have a lot of skills that I need to pur suit my career like being superb in math, great at analyzing data, and dealing with charts and graphs.I feel I have great self-discipline which I believe everyone must have before they even think of going to college, but I still need to greatly improve in lots of things. I must continue to work on my social skills because being at college with thousands of college can be even more difficult than it already will and I will work to be better at not procrastinating because at times I may wait for the last moment to do things because it seems easy or I get too confident with my ability to do work quick, so I put it off until the last minute. I need to continue to stay focused and take advantage of the many opportunities I have presented to me. This includes ACT prep, college visits, extra-curricular activities, and any other program offered to me.Though, my most important thing to do to help me achieve my goal right now it to just simply focus on what I need to do right now in high s chool because that is what’s most important right now. I can face my care path and continue to work closer to my end goal when I get to that point, but I still have to get to that step and I must finish high school to do it. While researching for this project I realized all the information I’ve had to research is nothing, but beneficial to me and achieving my goals. I’ve learned things about these colleges I didn’t know and learned of what is required of me to get accepted into the colleges of my choosing and what is required of me to strive in the career of my choosing.The process of doing this paper has helped me to learn of all the things I still need to work on and what I still need to achieve. Before this paper I thought I knew everything of what was required to be an accountant an attend the colleges of my choice, but doing this project has shed light on things I didn’t know and informed me that there are still things I still need to learn mo re about and continue to work on because I’m not where I need to be yet. There are many obstacles in place that I still must face and overcome before I can reach my end goal of becoming a financial accountant, but doing this project has made the long journey to achieving my goal that I have ahead a lot easier than it would’ve been.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Analysis Of “The Darkling Thrushâ€Â, By Thomas Hardy
As the title has already mentioned, this assignment will be an analysis on a poem by Thomas Hardy. The poem is called â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†, also known by another title, â€Å"By the Century’s deathbed†. My analysis will include elements such as the poems’ setting, structure, imagery, diction, rhyme scheme and theme. I will go into one element at the time, and them give examples from one stanza only in that element. I will not come back to the same elements in the other stanzas, even though they are there. Therefore, this will not be a complete analysis of every element in each of the stanzas. I’d rather prefer to give a thorough description of what the different elements are and then give a few examples of each of them. In then end I will try to come up with a conclusion. Setting: The poem takes place on New Years Eve, the last day of the 19th century. It’s also the end of the Victorian Age. Winter is bringing death and desolation with it. A tired old man leans over a coppice gate in a desolate area, seeing ghosts of the past and little hope in the future. Structure: This poem has 4 stanzas, each with 8 lines. This is what we call an octave. The lines changes between having 4 and 3 stressed syllables in them, which is called tetrameter (4) and trimeter (3). Since the lines also follow a form of having one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable etc, we also call it iambic. As an example I use the poems 1st stanza. Line number 1, 3, 5 and 7 each have 4 stressed syllables, therefore called iambic tetrameter ( / - / - / - / - ). Line number 2, 4, 6, and 8 each have 3 stressed syllables, therefore called iambic trimeter ( / - / - / - ) I leant upon a coppice gate 1 Where Frost was spectre-gray, 2 And Winter’s dregs made desolate 3 The weakening eye of day. 4 The tangled bine-stems scored the sky 5 Like strings of broken lyres, 6 And all mankind that haunted nigh 7 Had sought their household fires. 8 Imagery: Thro... Free Essays on Analysis Of â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†, By Thomas Hardy Free Essays on Analysis Of â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†, By Thomas Hardy As the title has already mentioned, this assignment will be an analysis on a poem by Thomas Hardy. The poem is called â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†, also known by another title, â€Å"By the Century’s deathbed†. My analysis will include elements such as the poems’ setting, structure, imagery, diction, rhyme scheme and theme. I will go into one element at the time, and them give examples from one stanza only in that element. I will not come back to the same elements in the other stanzas, even though they are there. Therefore, this will not be a complete analysis of every element in each of the stanzas. I’d rather prefer to give a thorough description of what the different elements are and then give a few examples of each of them. In then end I will try to come up with a conclusion. Setting: The poem takes place on New Years Eve, the last day of the 19th century. It’s also the end of the Victorian Age. Winter is bringing death and desolation with it. A tired old man leans over a coppice gate in a desolate area, seeing ghosts of the past and little hope in the future. Structure: This poem has 4 stanzas, each with 8 lines. This is what we call an octave. The lines changes between having 4 and 3 stressed syllables in them, which is called tetrameter (4) and trimeter (3). Since the lines also follow a form of having one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable etc, we also call it iambic. As an example I use the poems 1st stanza. Line number 1, 3, 5 and 7 each have 4 stressed syllables, therefore called iambic tetrameter ( / - / - / - / - ). Line number 2, 4, 6, and 8 each have 3 stressed syllables, therefore called iambic trimeter ( / - / - / - ) I leant upon a coppice gate 1 Where Frost was spectre-gray, 2 And Winter’s dregs made desolate 3 The weakening eye of day. 4 The tangled bine-stems scored the sky 5 Like strings of broken lyres, 6 And all mankind that haunted nigh 7 Had sought their household fires. 8 Imagery: Thro...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Lon or On Euphony in French Pronunciation
Lon or On Euphony in French Pronunciation On is the French impersonal subject pronoun, and normally shouldnt be preceded by l neither the direct object definite article In Old French, on was the subject case for the noun homme, so lon at this time meant les hommes. When the subject case disappeared in French, on stuck around as a pronoun, and retained the ability to take the definite article. Lon is much more common in written French than in spoken, because it is a formal, elegant construction, and writing tends to be more formal than speech. Today, this l is simply considered a euphonic consonant and is used in the following situations: 1. After certain monosyllabic words that end in a vowel sound, like et, ou, oà ¹, qui,quoi, and si, to avoid a hiatus. Sais-tu si lon a demandà ©Ã‚ ?  (avoid si on)  Do you know if someone asked? lon a dit la verità ©.      (avoid et on)  ...and they told the truth. 2. After que, lorsque, and puisque, to avoid the contraction quon (sounds like con), especially if the next word begins with the sound con. Lorsque lon est arrivà ©... (avoid lorsquon)  When we arrived...Il faut que lon comprenne. (avoid quoncomprenne)  Its necessary for everyone to understand. 3. At the beginning of a sentence or clause. This usage of lon is not a question of euphony, but rather a holdover from là ©poque classique and is thus very formal. Lon ne sait jamais.  One never knows.   Lorsque je suis arrivà ©, lon ma dit bonjour.  When I arrived, everyone said hello. Note: For the purposes of euphony, on is used instead of lon After dont (le livre dont on a parlà ©)In front of words that begin with l (je sais oà ¹ on lit)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organizational change part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organizational change part 2 - Essay Example The change strategy should also consider future growth and development of the organization. A change strategy for organizations includes various elements that have to be carefully analyzed before the change process is implemented. These elements include situational awareness, the structures supporting the change, and strategy analysis (Weiner et al, 2009). Situational awareness involves understanding the implications of change on the organizations, knowing who will be affected by the impending change and gathering as much resources and knowledge about the change to be implemented. Supporting structures for organizational change include the team facilitating the change process and the sponsors of the change process. Strategy analysis involves identification of the risks involved in the change process, any resistance to the change and tactics for implementing the strategy. A good organizational change strategy must focus on all these three elements (Weiner et al, 2009). Internal change s in an organization encounter resistance from certain employees or senior managers who may not be so open to change. This may destabilize the whole change process if not managed properly. The team charged with the responsibility of managing the change need to stay vigilant throughout the whole process for any signs of disapproval for the change and address them as soon as they are discovered (Weiner et al, 2009). The change implementation team ought to be very responsive and responsible throughout the change process. This will enable them to intercede and deal with any threat to the change process before it paralyzes the whole process. In order to deal with resistance effectively, a change strategy needs to address several issues such as commitment, responsibility, advocacy, acknowledgement, flexibility and must have a clear outline. A clear outline in the change strategy addresses change policies and guidelines and the structure of the impending change. These have to be communicat ed to every employee in advance before the change is implemented (Weiner et al, 2009). Everyone affected by the change has to be committed to the process and they should be given time to speak out their opinions about the intended change so as to foster advocacy for the change. Every ones role in the change process also needs to be clarified in the change strategy so as to ensure every individual in the change team is responsible for their actions. Every successful step of the change process needs to be appreciated and acknowledged just to let everybody know that the organization is moving in the right direction with the change. The organization’s leaders need to use a more flexible approach in the change process so as to ensure any unforeseen contingencies are dealt with appropriately during the process. Methods that will be used to monitor implementation of the proposed change The change initiative to be implemented involves about of organizational restructuring hence need to be approached with care. This will require a new organizational structure, improvement and changes in the organizational culture and behavior. The process of hiring new nurses wiling the new nurses will require significant contribution from every staff member in the organization. The top management will be required to approve and implement the change while the other
Friday, November 1, 2019
Image representation of Women in Magazines (which are targeted to Dissertation
Image representation of Women in Magazines (which are targeted to University Students) - Dissertation Example 1 Afghan Girl 4.3 Fig. 2 She looks spoiled 4.4 Fig. 3 â€Å"Quite a Pear†4.5 Fig. 4 Wad 4.6 Fig. 5 Keep on Dreaming of a Better World 4.7. Fig. 6 It’s nice to have a girl around the house 4.8 Fig. 7 Dove Advertising 4.9 Fig. 8 Twiggy 4.10 Fig. 9 Do Men Hate Fat Women? 4.11 Fig. 10. Dolce and Gabbana Advertisement 4.12 Summary 5.0 Chapter Five: Discussion List of Figures References Appendices Abstract The research that was conducted for this study concerns the images in the media and their influence over women of university level age. Images in the media have been shown to have a powerful influence over the body image of young women, affecting their self esteem and their development of identity (Cash, Cash, and Butters 1983: Catterall, Maclaran, and Stevens 2000). In a study that discussed the responses to ten different images in a group setting with twelve women, the phenomenon of the way in which women experience influences by media images gave a new dimension through responses, both expected and unexpected. Broken into five chapters, this qualitative study examines the nature of media images and the impact that they have on society. Chapter One Introduction The effect of the representation of women in media through both photojournalism and fashion photography acts as a catalyst to emotional responses which have helped to frame the way in which women see themselves as members of Western culture. The issues of body image, self, and identity are often manipulated by the media as women grow from childhood through adolescence. The influences that media imposes upon women can often lead to issues such as anorexia, bulimia, BED (binge eating disorder), and other medically dangerous conditions. Objectification of women has now begun to shift to subjectification, leading women into a world where they must now be the aggressive sexual being, rather than the passive object. Through research conducted using images and the discussion of twelve women who wer e put into a focus group the concepts of image and self is explored through the information gathered within the interview process. In a qualitative study of the emotional responses to women when a ‘story’ or suggested interpretation of images was interjected, the concept of trend is also explored as it relates to the interpretation of the responses to the images. This type of research helps in understanding the way in which images influence the direction of how women perceive beauty and how they are positioned within the discourse of attractiveness. The power of photo imagery in contemporary discourse has influenced culture, making changes in the concept of beauty and ’normalcy’. 1.1Background The objectification of women is not a new concept. However, the ways in which images of women have been formulated to specifically associate women as objects as an everyday occurrence is a part of the information age. As advertising has become a cycling of images thr ough television, the internet, and print media such as magazines, the concept of female is habitually stripped of its identity and reformulated into creatures of ’otherness’, usable objects of the imagination. An example of this can be seen in Fig. 3, women are morphed with objects, redefined as something consumable as indicated in Fig. 4, and objects of manipulation as seen in Fig. 4. The nature
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